Drinking water supports skin, muscle, and joint health. Water helps the body's cells absorb nutrients and fight infections. There may be even more benefits by drinking a few glasses of hot water each day.
Scientific research offers little on the benefits of drinking hot water. On the other hands, alternative health proponents argue that hot water is an easy way to improve health.
Drinking water of any temperature can support overall well-being, drinking warm or hot water is thought to provide a range of additional health benefits.
Here we look at some of the potential benefits and the theories behind them.

Healthier Digestion
Not drinking enough water may cause dehydration and makes it difficult to have a bowel movement. Chronic dehydration then can cause chronic constipation. This constipation can make bowel movements painful and may cause other problems, including hemorrhoids and bloating.
Drinking hot water can reduces the risk of constipation. It soothes and activates your digestive tract by helping to break down food faster and supports regular bowel movements.
Sweating helps to expel toxins and can help clean the pores. Natural health proponents argue that by raising the body’s temperature, it will cause sweating thereby helping the body to detoxify.

Circulation Improved
Hot water helps to expand the blood vessels, improving circulation. This can help muscles relax and reduce pain.
Even as there are no studies linked about drinking hot water to sustain improvements in circulation. A brief improvement in circulation can support better blood flow to muscles and organs.

Helps Weight Loss
It has been a long supported theory that drinking more water can help a person lose weight. This may be because drinking water before a meal increases feelings of fullness. Water also helps the body absorb nutrients, and flushes out waste.
Drinking hot water could aid in weight loss. Drinking 500ml of water before a meal increases metabolism by 30percent. Water at a temperature of 98.6 degrees accounted for 40% of the increase in metabolism.
Raising water temperature to 98.6 degrees accounted for 40 percent of the increase in metabolism. This increase in metabolism lasts for 30-40 minutes, following water consumption.
Reduction in Pain
Whilst no scientific research has directly linked with hot water consumption to pain relief. Heat packs and hot water bottles are commonly used to reduce pain. Drinking hot water may offer some internal pain relief, particularly to injured muscles by improving circulation and improved blood flow. It is also important to note that heat can also exacerbate swelling.

Reduced Stress Levels
It is well known that a soothing cup of hot tea or coffee helps some people to manage stress. Some of the effects might due to caffeine, the warmth also plays a role in calming the mood of the drinker.
Drinking hot teas and coffees may also offer a few other health benefits. It can reduce the risks of Parkinson’s disease, cancers, type 2 diabetes, liver diseases and heart health problems.
It is a must to drink caffeinated coffee or tea in moderation otherwise it may cause a person to become over caffeinated or jittery. This can be prevented by limiting the cups of coffee or tea consumed, or by replacing caffeinated drinks with plain hot water.
Any Risks?
The main risk of drinking hot water is one of being scalded or burned. Water that feels warm on a fingertip may still burn the tongue or throat. We should always avoid consuming water that is near boiling temperature, and have a test before taking a gulp with a small sip.
Drinking hot water in a covered, insulated cup can reduce the risk of spilling the water and getting burned.
Hot beverages, such as coffee or tea, are often served at near-boiling temperatures. It is not necessary to risk a burn to gain the benefits of hot water. People who dislike hot water should consider drinking water at or slightly above body temperature.
The optimal drinking temperature for a coffee is 57.8 degrees. This temperature can reduce the risk of burns and offers a pleasant sensations to enjoy the hot drink.
Even as there are no scientific research linking with curing diseases by drinking hot water. As long as the water is not scalding, the risks are minimal. It is assured that people who love drinking hot water will be benefiting in this simple way for better health improvements.