Have you been struggling to get out of bed lately? Are you feeling slightly depressed, fatigued, and anxious? Are there times you find it difficult to focus on your daily tasks? If you are feeling these symptoms, but you can’t attribute them to any disease, then one explanation may be that you are experiencing the signs of burnout.
To be “burnt out” is the result of mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion brought on by repeated exposure to stressful environments. People who are burnt out have poor sleeping patterns and depressive moods. They lose motivation to do many things and find it hard to cope with day-to-day demands. While it isn’t an actual disorder, it can be the tipping point or lead to other, more serious medical complications.
Burnout is a warning sign that a person is in an unhealthy situation and is likely to make poor lifestyle choices. If you are starting to feel burnt out, it is essential to address it immediately. People who are burnt out can recover, regain their old selves, and get back to their normal lives. It is also to prevent burnout if you maintain good habits like having regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, and keeping your body adequately hydrated.
Preserving your physical health can help you better cope with stressful situations. Drinking plenty of water, consuming fruits and vegetables, can protect your immune system so it will be ready to fight off infections and other disorders that may come with chronic exposure to stress. Here are some more ways to fight burnout:

1. Stay calm
It might sound challenging to do, especially when you are continuously tense and on edge at work or in your personal life. Train your brain to respond calmly and coolly if provoked in stressful situations. Getting worked up affects you physically as well as emotionally, so teach yourself coping techniques or find something that will help you deal with situations that overwhelm you.

2. Deep breathing exercises
Many times we forget to breathe, and this can cause you to feel foggy, light-headed, and weak. When you feel stressed, stop what you are doing and go to a quiet place. Inhaling deeply through your nose until you feel your chest is full, hold your breath for three seconds, and then release the air through your mouth with pursed lips. Repeat this process at least ten times, or until you feel calm.

3. Find an exercise routine that works best for you
You don’t need to become a professional athlete or a gym rat to fight burnout. What your body needs are an opportunity to stretch your muscles and to break out a sweat. Pick out a type of exercise that you will look forward to doing at least twice or thrice a week. Remove all distractions and focus on your physical activity for these times.

4. Take breaks
Regardless of what your boss thinks, you are not a robot. You need seven to eight hours of restful sleep to recharge your body. You also need to step away from your work periodically to give yourself time to pursue other interests. Don’t feel guilty about taking a break, as every person needs them in order to thrive.

5. Drink plenty of water
Experts recommend that adults consume at least eight glasses of water per day. Keep a filled reusable water bottle with you at all times, so you have clean water to drink throughout the day. Water can help your digestive system break down food properly and produce energy efficiently. Water can rehydrate your body, ease constipation, reduce headaches, and improve your mood. All of these can help you to feel more energetic and feel better overall.
You can fight burnout by listening to your body and acknowledging the warning signs. Burnout is a red flag that you need to step away from stressful situations and poor lifestyle habits. Make it a priority look after your health, stay hydrated, and take opportunities for rest, before its too late.
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